Dr. Brandynicole, LLC will complete a brief comprehensive needs assessment with an agency/organization focused specifically on training needs. With over 11 years of training and instructional design experience, Dr. Brandynicole, LLC will work closely with decision-making entities of your agency/organization to develop a training course or program unique to the agency/organization’s needs identified in the assessment with a trauma-informed, healing-centered foundation.
The training agreement will include the development of a TRAINING CURRICULUM (visual aids, learning activities, instructor and participant guides, along with a training evaluation developed with your input). At an additional cost, Dr. Brandynicole, LLC will conduct a training of trainers to build in training sustainability. Dr. Brandynicole, LLC will also provide technical assistance for up to six months following the implementation of a training course or program.
Currently, training is available in the following areas:
Strengths-Based Solution-Focused Practice in Child Welfare
Restoring the Art of Social Work in Child Welfare Practice
The Impact of Trauma on Child Welfare Practice
Understanding and Creating Psychological Safety for Leaders
LGBTQ Cultural Competency
Working Effectively with LGBTQ Children and Youth in Foster Care
Leadership and Supervision in Child Welfare
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral for Treatment (SBIRT) for Substance Use and Abuse Concerns
Emotional Intelligence
Cultural Humility
Black Single Mothers and the Child Welfare System: A Guide for Social Workers on Addressing Oppression
The Complete Compassion Project (Addressing Secondary Traumatic Stress in Helping Professionals)
Other training courses and programs are being developed regularly.
While Dr. Brandynicole, LLC will develop and design a training curriculum specific to your needs, we will also work with you to enhance curricula that have already been developed. Together, we can update your curricula to ensure a professional presentation that represents your organization in the best way.
Please feel free to contact us regarding developing a training course or program specific to your needs by clicking the “Contact Form” link below.