Through copy editing, Dr. Brandynicole, LLC will edit documents for grammar and spelling, and errors. This also includes ensuring the American Psychological Association (APA) format is followed. Copyediting focuses only on the technical aspects of a document, such as grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Copyediting also checks for consistency and clarity, and makes sure the document flows well. Through copyediting the design, title, and other details of the document will also be reviewed.
Dr. Brandynicole, LLC will edit documents to ensure the content of these documents are aligned with the purpose of the document. This includes theses, dissertations, advertisements, or any document that may need another review before it is finalized. Content editing focuses on the overall structure and quality of a document, and how it serves its intended purpose. Through content editing, Dr. Brandynicole, LLC will consider the logic and strength of the argument, the quality of sources, and the overall voice. Suggestions related to rewriting passages, adding or removing text, or helping with character or plot development will also be made.
The fee for copy and content editing is based upon the length of the document and the extent of edits and suggestions. For more information or to ask questions, please click on the "Contact Form" below.