I am here to provide support before, during, and after labor and delivery.
Together, we can develop a support plan across the spectrum that is best for you.

Childbirth Basics Education
Birth Plan Development
Preparation for Hospital Visits and Discussions with Medical Providers
Comfort Measures Instruction
Postpartum Doula Package
Postpartum Support
Free 30 min consultation, postpartum healing plan development, at least 4 postpartum meetings (upon return from hospital and up to 8 weeks postpartum, completion of the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (as a means to check in)
Full Spectrum Doula Package
Prenatal Support, Birth Support and Postpartum Support
All services provided in the Prenatal Support list, Birth Doula Package, and Postpartum Doula Package.
Breastfeeding support
Assistance with newborn care
Baby soothing techniques
Help with the emotional and physical recovery after birth
Referrals to local resources

Birth Doula Package
Prenatal Support and Birth Support
Free 30 minute initial consultation, at least 2 prenatal meetings, unlimited text/call access and 24/7 on call availability at 37+ weeks, labor & delivery attendance, immediate postpartum attendance
Continuous Uninterrupted Presence During Labor & Delivery
Emotional Support
Physical Comfort Measures
Self-advocacy Support

Perinatal Mental Health Assessment & Counseling
Perinatal Mental Health Support
Free 30 minute consultation, completion, review, and discussion of Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale, interpersonal psychotherapy, as needed
Priced per session
Private Pay with documentation for insurance reimbursement

Education & information about perinatal mood & anxiety disorders
Prenatal & postpartum screening
Mindfulness & relaxation technique support
Prenatal & postpartum psychotherapy
If you or someone close to you has experienced the loss of a pregnancy or child, please accept my sincerest condolences. As Postpartum Support International says:
You are not alone.
You are not to blame.
With support you will be well.
As a PAIL Advocate and Full Spectrum Doula, I provide support towards physical and emotional healing after abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, and fatal diagnoses.

Pregnancy and Infant Loss
Help with the emotional and physical recovery after loss
Referrals to local resources
For Immediate Emotional Support, please call the PSI Helpline 1-800-944-4773
OR TEXT 503-894-9453 (English) or : 971-420-0294 (Español)

Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 4PM -8PM EST
Tuesday, Thursday - By Appointment Only
Saturday - 10AM - 7PM EST
Sunday - Closed for Self-Care

An informed and empowered birth and postpartum experience through trauma-informed full spectrum doula and perinatal mental health services
Providing support in Virginia to the City of Fredericksburg and Caroline, Prince William, and Stafford Counties
A Full Spectrum Doula is a trained and experienced professional who provides continuous physical, emotional, and informational support to birthing people throughout the full-spectrum of reproductive healthcare.

Perinatal mental health refers to a woman's mental health during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Pregnancy represents the change from being your mothers’ child, to being a mother to your future child. During this transition a woman is vulnerable to developing mental health difficulties. Women are at a higher risk for both new and recurring mood and anxiety disorders.